Designing Model of Learning Strategy-based Instruction for Speaking Skill
This paper reports on a needs analysis underlying a model of teachers’ guide book that focused on delivering strategy-based instruction to raise students’ awareness of speaking strategies for tenth grade students at Al-Rifa’ie Senior High School. The product was designed based on the students and teachers’ need on learning strategies by adapting the instructional framework from CALLA; preparation, presentation, practice, evaluation, and expansion. The product development then was validated by the expert for getting some revision and improvement. Thus, it should be appropriate to be tried out. As part of work in progress, the need analysis concluded that students and teacher needed strategies to overcome the problem in speaking skill through learning strategies. While implementing the instructional product, the role of English teacher was as an observer, and the product finally proved raise the students’ interest and awareness on learning strategies while speaking. The book was also good as guiding book for teachers or lecturers who needed strategies while teaching speaking.
Keywords: designing, model, learning strategies, speaking skill, SBI